Submission Types

We welcome two types of submissions:

Full paper (between 4-10 pages included references and acknowledgement)

Short paper (up to 3 pages included references and acknowledgement)

For full paper submission, we invite submissions that report on completed research projects, early-stage research findings, work-in-progress, or proposals for new and innovative design approaches. These submissions should offer valuable insights into ongoing or recently completed research, highlight emerging trends, and propose fresh methodologies or solutions to current challenges.

For short paper submissions, we invite submissions of up to 3 pages that showcase early-stage research, innovative design concepts, prototypes, or work-in-progress. These submissions should visually communicate key ideas, methodologies, and preliminary results, offering a snapshot of emerging trends and innovative solutions.


Paper submission is through Microsoft Conference Management Toolkit (CMT)

Submission Templates

To ensure a standardized format, submissions must adhere to the prescribed templates available in both Microsoft Word (.docx) and LaTeX formats.

Manuscripts that do not adhere to the formatting guidelines may be returned for revision or rejected.


Each submission will go through a refereed process and receive two anonymized reviews under the following criteria:

We value every submission, but in order to maintain high-quality submissions, we apply a Desk Reject policy.